2022 begonnen

Alessandro Bruno
P2101 A planar nanofabrication process for coupled Schrödinger-cat qubits in parametrically-driven nonlinear superconducting resonators (pdf)

Morris Degen
P2102 Structure and Assembly Mechanism of the Ninjurin-1 Membrane Perforation Pore in Executing Cell Death (pdf)

Alessandro Stumpo
P2103 Goldnanoparticle assemblies for SERS based detection of EGFR expressing ovarian cancer cells in tumor xenografts (pdf)

Seseg Bolotova
P2104 Methods to understand the role of ordered waters and disordered residues in enzyme catalysis using macromolecular crystallography at physiological temperatures (pdf)

Rahel Kaiser
P2105 Ferromagnetism of mobile electrons in a two dimensional semiconductor (pdf)

Damian Graf
P2106 Innovative Catalytic Strategies to Combat Cancer (pdf)

Mathias Claus
P2107 High-sensitive torque magnetometry for 2D materials