2024 begonnen

Philip Elbers

P2301 NANO-PHOTO: NANOstructured protein materials for PHOTOcatalysis (pdf)
Philipp Elbers


Isabelle Imhof

P2302 Elucidating synergistic effects of nano topography and peptide immobilisation on osteogenesis (pdf)
Isabelle Imhof


P2203  Vertical Quantum Dots in Coupled Ge Quantum Wells
Diego Nieri Orfatti

Lukas Beckert

P2304  Selective new-to-nature nanopores enabled by biomolecular condensation
Lukas Beckert

Aleksandr Kharchenko

P2306 Enabling the challenging separation of radionuclides via the entrapment inside molecular containers (pdf)
Aleksandr Kharchenko

Alexandre Huot de Saint-Albin

P2307  Coherent feedback control of nanomechanical oscillators (pdf)
Alexandre Huot de Saint-Albin

Marina Obramenko

P2308 A diamond-based spin-photon interface
Marina Obramenko


P2309 Understanding defects, substrate effects, and ribbon-ribbon interactions in 1D graphene nanoribbons via Raman spectroscopy
Associate PhD (Empa)
Ángel Victor Labordet Alvarez