Arthrospira (cyanobacteria) Mag: 5000xDiatom (group of algae)Diatom (group of algae)Diatom (group of algae)Drosophila footEggs from ladybugHela cancer cellsMoth, hair root (mag: 7000x)PhytoplanktonRadiolaria (protozoa)Radioloaria (protozoa)Rice leafTrichome (glandular hair) of Arabidopsis
Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM)
Artificial spin ice of permalloy nanomagnets (Magnetic Force Mode)
Artificial spin ice of permalloy nanomagnets (Magnetic Force Mode)Coated paper (phase imaging)DNA origami (height image)FDTS (Force Mapping/adhesion)FDTS (Force Mapping/height)FDTS (Force Mapping/stiffness)Gold islands on graphite (height image)Gold islands on graphite (Phase imaging)Lithography ModeMagnetic tape (Magnetic Force Mode)Nanotubes (height)Wax paper (phase imaging)
3D-Laser Scanning Mikroskopie (Echtfarben)
Bird feather
Bird featherButterfly wingColocasiaFilter paperOuter egg shellPeacock featherPollen grains of a sunflowerPollen grains of ricinusSand dollar