Started in 2021

Elizaveta Maksimova

Elizaveta Maksimova
P2001 Imaging Cardiovascular Macro- and Micro-structure Using HfO2 Nanocrystals as X-ray Tomography (pdf)

Mitchell Brüderlin

Mitchell Brüderlin
P2002 A Death-Dealing Bacterial Nanomachine (pdf)

Josh André Zuber

Dr. Josh André Zuber
P2003 Nanoscale quantum sensing of complex spin systems in extreme environments (pdf)

Martin Heinrich

Martin Heinrich
P2004 Local Manipulation of Spin Domains in a Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductor (pdf)

Piotr Jasko

Piotr Jasko
P2005 Transmembrane protein-mediated loading of synthetic compartments (pdf)

Ajmal Roshan

Ajmal Roshan
P2006 RESTRAIN – Reticular Chemistry at Interfaces as a Form of Nanotechnology (pdf)

Shichao Jia

Shichao Jia
P2007 Development of nanoscale acoustic tweezers for mechanobiology application (pdf)

Luca Forrer

Luca Forrer
P2008 Scanning Nanowire Quantum Dot (pdf)