Nano Fabrication Lab

The Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab) is based at the University of Basel's Physics Department (Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel). Together with the Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab), it constitutes the Nano Technology Center of the SNI.
The SNI Nano Fabrication Lab offers the equipment, environment and experience needed for the fabrication and prototyping of state-of-the-art micro and nano devices used in fundamental and applied condensed matter physics. The high-end lithography, deposition, etching, post-processing systems and the clean room (CR) space allow users of the Nano Fabrication Lab to routinely pattern and manipulate micro- (<100 μm) and nano- (<100 nm) scale metal, semiconductor and polymeric materials resulting in the outstanding nanomaterials and devices at the core of the SNI experimental research projects.

![[Translate to English:] EBPG](/fileadmin/user_upload/nanoscience/06_Services/Nano_Fabrication_Lab/05_EBPG.png?1721044591)
The SNI Nano Fabrication Lab currently features:
- 500 m2 of lab surface (30 m2 of CR class ISO7)
- 70+ users
- 40+ fabrication and characterization tools
- A team of 4 people
The SNI NF Lab offers its services to external clients for a fee as indicated in the price list below. SNI members and academics have a reduced fee - price list available on request.