Metropolregion am Puls der Zeit - Winzige Strukturen kommen ganz gross raus

Beilage Standort Basel BAZ


Als Zentrum für Pharma, Chemie und Life sciences ist basel weltweit bekannt – was sich nun besonders im «fDi intelligence»-ranking bemerkbar macht. Auch künftig hat die stadt Grosses vor und investiert fleissig. More …

How Our Cells Kill Themselves – Scientists Decode the Exact Mechanism at the Atomic Level



Until recently, it was assumed that cells simply burst and die at the end of their life. Now, researchers at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, the University of Lausanne, and the Department ofBiosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) atETH Zurichhave provided new insights into the final step of cell death.. More …

Universität Basel vergibt die Teaching Excellence Awards 2023


Wie die Uni Basel mitteilt, wurden am 25. Mai 2023 zum fünften Mal die Teaching Excellence Awards vergeben und Verdienste im Bereich der Lehre gewürdigtMore …

New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles



Particles known as extracellular vesicles play a vital role in communication between cells and in many cell functions. Released by cells into their environment, these “membrane particles” consist of a cellular membrane carrying a cargo of specific signaling molecules, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Unfortunately, only tiny quantities of the vesicles are formed spontaneously by cells. More …

New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles



Particles known as extracellular vesicles play a vital role in communication between cells and in many cell functions. Released by cells into their environment, these “membrane particles” consist of a cellular membrane carrying a cargo of specific signaling molecules, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Unfortunately, only tiny quantities of the vesicles are formed spontaneously by cells. More …

Neuer Herstellungsprozess für therapeutische Nanovesikel



Forschende der Universität Basel haben eine neuartige Methode entwickelt, mit der sich therapeutische Nanovesikel effizient herstellen lassen. Damit ist die Voraussetzung erfüllt für eine industrielle Produktion. Ausserdem erleichtert dies die Forschung in Bereichen wie der Krebsimmuntherapie. More …

New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles



Particles known as extracellular vesicles play a vital role in communication between cells and in many cell functions. Released by cells into their environment, these “membrane particles” consist of a cellular membrane carrying a cargo of specific signaling molecules, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Unfortunately, only tiny quantities of the vesicles are formed spontaneously by cells. More …

Under Control To The Very End — How Our Cells Kill Themselves — ScienceDaily

Verve times


Every day, millions of cells die in our body. Other than generally assumed, cells do not simply burst at the end of their lives but rather, a specific protein serves as a breaking point for cell membrane rupture. Researchers at the University of Basel have now been able to elucidate the exact mechanism at the atomic level. They have published their results in
Nature. More …

Bis zuletzt alles unter Kontrolle – wie unsere Zellen sich selber töten



In unserem Körper sterben jeden Tag Millionen von Zellen. Viele davon töten sich selbst. Anders als gedacht, platzen die Zellen an ihrem Lebensende nicht einfach, vielmehr fungiert ein Protein als Sollbruchstelle, an der die Zellhülle aufreisst. Den genauen Mechanismus haben Forschende der Universität Basel nun auf atomarer Ebene entschlüsselt. More …

Under control to the very end -- how our cells kill themselves

Science Daily


Every day, millions of cells die in our body. Other than generally assumed, cells do not simply burst at the end of their lives but rather, a specific protein serves as a breaking point for cell membrane rupture. Researchers have now been able to elucidate the exact mechanism at the atomic level. More …

Naturwissenschaftliche Experimente im Zug - Ein spannendes Pilotprojekt Mitte April im Treno Gottardo


Das Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) an der Universität Basel und die Schweizerische Südostbahn AG (SOB) engagieren sich dafür, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse aus der Forschung einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Dabei liegt es ihnen besonders am Herzen, bei Kindern und Jugendlichen die Faszination für die Naturwissenschaften zu wecken.
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El grafeno en superficies de platino parece violar la ley de Coulomb

The Insight


Investigadores en Basilea y Tel Aviv encontraron que la fricción varía con la velocidad específica[{» attribute=»»>graphene structures on platinum surfaces, defying Coulomb’s law which states that friction is speed-independent in the macro world.
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Graphene On Platinum Surfaces Seemingly De;es Coulomb’s Law

Quick Telecast


Researchers from Basel and Tel Aviv discovered that friction varies with speed in speci8c graphene structures on platinum surfaces, defying Coulomb’s law which states that friction is speed-independent in the macro world.
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Le graphène sur les surfaces de platine défie apparemment la loi de Coulomb

Posts US


Étonnamment, le frottement entre la pointe d’un microscope à force atomique et les superstructures Moiré dépend de la vitesse à laquelle la pointe est déplacée sur la surface. Crédit :
Département de physique, Université de Bâle et Scixel
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Surprising Discovery: Graphene on Platinum Surfaces Seemingly Defies Coulomb’s Law

The European Times


Researchers from Basel and Tel Aviv discovered that friction varies with speed in specific graphene structures on platinum surfaces, defying Coulomb’s law which states that friction is speed-independent in the macro world.
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