SEM image of a leave surface

/ News, Research

Participation in trinational research project: Nano Imaging Lab contributes its expertise

The SNI's Nano Imaging Lab is participating in the recently approved Interreg research project WiVitis to support viticulture in the Upper Rhine region. In collaboration with viticulture experts on both sides of the Rhine, a network of…

/ News, Research

New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles

Researchers at the University of Basel have developed an efficient method for the preparation of therapeutic nanovesicles, thereby fulfilling a key prerequisite for industrial production. The method also paves the way for research into…

/ News, Research

Under control to the very end – how our cells kill themselves

Every day, millions of cells die in our body. Other than generally assumed, cells do not simply burst at the end of their lives but rather, a specific protein serves as a breaking point for cell membrane rupture. Researchers at the…

/ News, Research

Electron beam lithography also possible on uneven surfaces

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a new method for applying electron beam lithography to uneven surfaces. They are working with a floating resist that enables uniform coating. The work was recently published in the scientific…
A two-dimensional boron nitride layer is suspended above holes in a silicon nitride membrane. The device could be used as an optomechanical sensor. (Image: D. Jaeger, Department of Physics, University of Basel)

/ News, Research

Promising combination

Researchers from the SNI network have fabricated a tiny optomechanical device consisting of a two-dimensional, free-hanging hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layer suspended above holes in a silicon nitride membrane. The tiny hBN drum can be…
Yeast cells

/ News, Research

Method to improve the yeast cell display

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a method to improve the so-called yeast surface display. Yeast surface display is a fundamental tool for protein engineering and targeted protein evolution. In this process, yeast cells are…
Nanopartikel mit Enzymen

/ News, Research

Nano-heating enables enzymes to work at sub-zero temperatures

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a strategy to enable the activity of a natural biocatalyst at low temperatures, down to -10°C. Professor Patrick Shahgaldian’s group from the FHNW School of Life Sciences immobilized enzymes…
Mit der Hochvakuum-Elektrospray-Deposition können ausgedehnte Graphen-Nanobänder mit besonderen Eigenschaften für hochauflösende Studien zugänglich gemacht werden. (Bild: S. Scherb, Departement Physik, Universität Basel)

/ News, Research

Electrospray method expands range of different graphene ribbons

Researchers from the SNI network have accessed various graphene nanoribbons using high-vacuum electrospray deposition. They succeeded in investigating longer graphene nanoribbons with properties that are difficult or impossible to achieve…

/ News, Research

Floating thanks to sound waves

Researchers from the SNI network are investigating methods to keep particles in the air using sound waves (acoustic levitation) – for example for crystallographic studies of proteins. In a recent paper in Applied Physics Letters, they…
Die Plattform mit zwei eng beieinander liegenden, stark reflektierenden Spiegeln und einer keilförmigen Diamantmembran ebnet den Weg für einen universellen, niedrigschwelligen Frequenzschieber für Laserlicht. Die Arbeit wurde auch auf dem Titelblatt des Journals gezeigt. (Bild: Flågan, Riedel und

/ News, Research

Laser light of any wavelength

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a platform for the resonant enhancement for so-called nonlinear optical processes which could aid to produce laser light of any wavelength. They combine a wedge-shaped diamond membrane with…