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Strong spin-photon coupling

Experimental setup

Using a complex experimental setup, researchers from the SNI network have achieved strong coupling between an electron spin and a photon. (Image: A. Pally, Department of Physics, University of Basel)

Researchers from the SNI network have achieved strong coupling between an electron spin and a single photon. Normally, an electron spin couples only weakly to photons. To achieve strong coupling with a single photon, the researchers used a special indium arsenide crystal structure. This couples the electron spin naturally to its motional degree of freedom thereby making it open to interaction with a microwave photon.

The researchers trapped a single photon in a special microwave resonator, which promotes the interaction and thus ensures a strong coupling between spin and photon.

“Demonstrating strong coupling between an electron spin and a photon experimentally is a key step on the path to large-scale quantum networks,” says Dr. Jann H. Ungerer, former doctoral researcher at the SNI PhD School and first author of the publication, which recently appeared in Nature Communications.

Original publication

Further information: Research group Prof. Christian Schönenberger