Recent media releases/posts

/ News, Research
Increased coherence thanks to cooling
A team of researchers from the SNI network has increased the coherence of an electron spin in a quantum dot to over half a microsecond for the first time. The scientists achieved the more than 150-fold increase in coherence time by using…
/ Preise
Markus Dürrenberger receives honorary membership of the SNI
At this year’s Annual Event, Dr. Markus Dürrenberger received honorary SNI membership in recognition of his extraordinary commitment to microscopy and for setting up the Nano Imaging Lab. Dürrenberger is not only an expert in all kinds of…
Series of talks on nanosciences
In collaboration with Volkhochschule beider Basel, the SNI is organizing a series of lectures on the topic of “Nanosciences — interdisciplinary into the future.” Using five examples from current research, scientists from the SNI network…/ News, Portraits
Who are the women in the nanosciences? Géraldine Guex, Professor for Oral Implantology at UZB
Géraldine Guex started studying nanosciences at the University of Basel 20 years ago. Now, as Straumann Assistant Professor at the University Center of Dental Medicine Basel (UZB), she is a new member of the SNI network. In the short video,…
/ News
SNSF Starting Grant for Jonathan de Roo
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has awarded another six Starting Grants to University of Basel researchers. The projects come from the fields of biomedicine, chemistry, environmental sciences history and urban studies. One of…
/ News, Research
Investigation of “magic” graphene
Researchers from the SNI network have used an atomic force microscope in pendulum mode to study a two-layer graphene device. In this bilayer graphene, the two layers of pure carbon were rotated by the “magic angle” of approximately 1.1°…
/ News, Research
Better classification with machine learning
Researchers from the SNI network have introduced a new machine learning technique specifically designed to enhance the analysis of protein unfolding using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) data. The team of Prof. Michael Nash (University of…
/ News, Preise
Nano Image Award 2023
The winners of the Nano Image Award 2023 have been selected! Congratulations! And many thanks to everyone who submitted beautiful images of the micro and nano world to the Nano Image Award 2023!/ News, Portraits
Who are the women in nanoscience? Tamara Utzinger, University of Basel
Tamara Utzinger would definitely study nanosciences again, she tells us in an interview. She particularly liked the family atmosphere and the diversity of the program. She has just completed her Master's degree in nanosciences with a…