Experiments and projects
We created this page to show you a small selection of experiments and projects that members of the SNI team have done at home with (or without) their kids. Each contribution consists of a short video and simple written instructions that contain additional information. All that you need in order to do the projects and experiments yourself are commonly available household items. We are already working on new ideas to be added to the list on a regular basis. Please note that some of these videos and instructions are currently only available in German. We are busy working on English subtitles and translations of the texts. (Those with an English title already have subtitles. Be sure to click on the “subtitles/closed captions” icon on YouTube to display them.)
We’d love to include your ideas in our collection and see how you put our suggestions into practice, so please send us photos and videos of your favorite experiments and projects, or share your results with us (c.moeller@clutterunibas.ch). A selection of the images and videos we receive will be showcased on this page.
Have fun experimenting and we look forward to hearing from you!
“We have prepared a variety of small experiments that you can easily do at home and that yield exciting results.”
Kerstin Beyer-Hans & Christel Möller

Your videos and images

An underwater candle

Extinguishing candles with vinegar and baking powder

Candle seesaw

Candle holder
(Video + instructions)

Denaturing proteins
(Video + instructions)

Which color to wear on a hot summer’s day

Screw turns into electromagnet

Fun with magnets I

Fun with magnets II

Lava lamp effect: Immiscible liquids

Acidic, neutral or alkaline: Experiments with red cabbage juice

Red cabbage indicator – advanced version

Frozen soap bubbles - realy cool!

What is soap, chemically speaking?