The SNI offers imaging and nanofabrication services and advice for research groups in the SNI network and for external partners. The Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab) was set up in 2016 for this very purpose. In 2022, the Nano Fabrication was founded. Together the Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab) and the Nano Fabrication Lab (NF Lab) form the Nano Technology Center of the SNI.
The Nano Imagin Lab encompasses part of the former Microscopy Center and the NanoTech Service Lab. It offers its clients various microscopes for detailed sample imaging, harnessing its employees’ decades of experience to produce precise analyses.
At the Nano Fabrication Lab, the technical equipment needed for nanofabrication is brought together from various working groups at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel. The existing clean room is part of the Nano Fabrication Lab, as will the clean room that the University of Basel plans to rent in the new building of the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of ETH Zurich in Basel.
The SNI also offers various technology services for internal and external partners from science and industry. The technology department and the electronics and mechanical workshops in the Department of Physics (University of Basel) have excellent facilities and highly trained staff who consistently find creative solutions to a wide range of tasks and problems.
The SNI also has a clean room that our partners may reserve.

"We offer excellently equipped service and support facilities to internal and external customers."
Dr. Gerard Gedea (NF Lab ) and Dr. Marcus Wyss (NI Lab)