

IMPORTANT: We do our best to keep this page as up-to-date as possible; however there may be discrepancies between the information here and the instructions provided by the faculty. In case of doubt, always defer to the instructions provided by the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Science. Please follow the guidelines for examination registration found here.

Click this link for the preliminary examination schedule for WS 2024. These dates are not binding; please refer to the information on the faculty website.

In order to register for an examination, students must register for the lecture by the deadline stipulated (via Services). Students are advised to refer to the instructions and appointments provided by the Student Administration Office. This information can be found on the website of the Faculty of Science.

Core lectures

For core lectures, students register for the first examination via Services. Registration must take place prior to the deadline specified by the Examinations Office. This registration is binding, and unexcused absences will be penalized with a “fail” grade (grade 1). Students may withdraw from a registered examination up to three weeks prior to the date of the examination without stating the reason for their withdrawal. In special cases, students may be able to withdraw closer to the date of the examination. The application for withdrawal must be placed in writing and submitted to the Examinations Office.

Repeat examinations must be registered in person at the Examinations Office prior to the application deadline. Repeat examinations are permitted only if the student achieved an insufficient grade on their first attempt. The examination must be repeated within one year of the first examination, otherwise the initial grade is recorded.

Examinations for core lectures may be repeated only once (i.e. two total attempts).


When the student registers for a lecture (with the exception of core lectures), they are automatically registered for the examination. In order to withdraw from the examination, the student must contact the lecturer directly. Students may repeat examinations for lectures as many times as needed.