Before starting studies


All information regarding admission is available on the website of the University of Basel..

Information day

The information day will be on 21 November 2025. Register now

This information day for prospective students offers a thorough overview of all the degree programs offered by the University of Basel. The event allows prospective students to seek suggestions and guidance to help them choose the degree program that suits them best. Additional information is available on the website of the University of Basel.


Application information is available at the Student Administration Office located in the Kollegienhaus (main building) of the university at Petersplatz.

Tel.: +41 (0)61 207 30 23

Additional information and forms are available on the website of the University of Basel


You can find all information relating to matriculation here.

Preparatory mathematics course

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers an optional preparatory course in mathematics for first-year students. This course is designed to refresh knowledge learned in high school. The preparatory mathematics course is recommended for all incoming students in the nanosciences. Further information (external link)..