The Swiss Nanoscience Institute supports knowledge and technology transfer between academia and industry.
Technology transfer
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute provides wide-ranging support for knowledge and technology transfer between higher education and industry. In the Argovia program, for example, scientists at academic institutions from the SNI network work closely with industrial partners. Here, we present some of the success stories of the Nano Argovia program.
A considerable number of patents were the output of the Nano Argovia program and other SNI projects. Beside filing patents to protect innovations and inventions, it could also be an option to set up a spin-off company.
Some SNI members have already taken this step. Argovia Professor Roderick Lim (University of Basel), for example, has joined forces with close colleagues to set up ARTIDIS. The company brings the ARTIDIS platform to the market, an atomic force microscope for cancer analysis. Georg-H.-Endress-Professor Dr. Patrick Maletinsky and Dr. Matthieu Munsch (University of Basel) are the founders of Qnami, a start-up that develops quantum sensors for nanoscale imaging (portrait of Qnami). The Nano Argovia project A3EDPI laid the foundation of the start-up ELDICO Scientific, which was founded in June 2019. Eldico Scientific has developed a electron diffractometers for nano-crystallography. In March 2022, the Electron Diffraction Experience Center in Basel was inaugurated. As the SNI is the academic partner within the four-way consortium, SNI members now have access to this innovative and promising technology.
Have you developed a device or invented a procedure that could be marketed? The Innovation Office at the University of Basel is the central point of contact at the University for all matters related to innovation and entrepreneurship. The Office coordinates the different support services for innovation projects and spin-offs at the University and opens up channels between the University, private entities and partners such as Unitectra. The Hightech Zentrum Aargau also offers support for members of the SNI network (Hightech Zentrum Aargau). Maybe participation in the Swiss Startup Challenge is an option for you?

«We co-founded ARTIDIS because the ARTIDIS platform is a nanotechnological tool that promises to revolutionize cancer diagnostics in clinics.»
Professor Roderick Lim, Argovia Professor and co-founder of ARTIDIS