AlumniNano Basel: scattered all over the world but still connected

Logo AlumniNano
Alumni postcard
Former nano students

Former nanoscience students at the kick-off event of AlumniNano.

AlumniNano Meets in Basel

At AlumniNano Meets, former nanostudents come together and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Here at the meeting in Basel in December 2024.

Former students and doctoral students of the nanosciences are now scattered all over the world, making it difficult to maintain contacts from the degree program or SNI PhD School.

This is why the nanosciences alumni organization (AlumniNano) offers a global networking platform for former students and doctoral students of the nanosciences. AlumniNano enables members to find old coursemates, make new contacts and benefit from the network. A broad network is highly advantageous, especially when looking for a job.

Registration form (don't forget to choose AlumniNano)

The Alumni network
AlumniNano members can access the AlumniBasel network and its collaboration platforms. You can easily search the AlumniBasel “Who’s who” for former coursemates and find out who’s ended up where. Access is password-protected and only available to Alumni members. There is also a LinkedIn group where you can search for other members of the network.

Become a member
AlumniNano membership is open to anyone who has successfully completed the nanosciences program with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, is a member of the SNI PhD School, or has already completed a doctoral thesis funded by the SNI.

AlumniNano membership costs CHF 60 per year. There is also the option of a free trial membership for those who completed their studies (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate) at the University of Basel in the current or previous calendar year. For SNI doctoral students who already want to become a member of AlumniNano during their dissertation but don’t receive a trial membership, the SNI reimburses the costs of the first year of membership.

Members of AlumniNano are automatically members of the AlumniBasel umbrella organization and can therefore take advantage of the extensive range of benefits. For example, all members receive a permanent email forwarding address. Valid for life, this address takes the format This means avoids you having to make private or professional email addresses public.



AlumniNano meets @Zürich - Local Meeting:
27 February 2025, 7 pm, El Lokal, Gessnerallee 11, 8001 Zürich

Jubiläumsfeier Study program nanoscience
28 June 2025, 5 pm, Volkshaus, Rebgasse 12-14, 4058 Basel

AlumniNano meets @Basel - Local Meeting:
08 August 2025, 7 pm, Basel (location will be announced later)

AlumniNano meets – Reunion
18 October 2025, 6 pm (location will be announced later)


Website of AlumniBasel umbrella organization

Registration form

for students:  Anja Car
for PhD students: Andreas Baumgartner