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Aris Lafranca receives the prize for best master’s thesis

This year’s prize for the best master’s thesis in nanosciences at the University of Basel goes to Aris Lafranca. As part of the winning master’s thesis at the Department of Physics, the young nanoscientist from Ticino investigated a hybrid…
Markus Dürrenberger

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Markus Dürrenberger receives honorary membership of the SNI

At this year’s Annual Event, Dr. Markus Dürrenberger received honorary SNI membership in recognition of his extraordinary commitment to microscopy and for setting up the Nano Imaging Lab. Dürrenberger is not only an expert in all kinds of…
Images and descriptions

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Nano Image Award 2023

The winners of the Nano Image Award 2023 have been selected! Congratulations! And many thanks to everyone who submitted beautiful images of the micro and nano world to the Nano Image Award 2023!
Dominik Zumbühl

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Dominik Zumbühl elected American Physical Society Fellow for 2023

Prof. Dr. Dominik Zumbühl, SNI member and director of the NCCR Spin, receives the award “For quantum transport experiments in semiconductor nanostructures at low temperatures studying coherence, spins, and spin-orbit coupling including…

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Less vulnerable as a community - Timon Baltisberger wins master’s prize for analysis of biofilms

Timon Baltisberger is to receive the prize for the best master’s thesis in nanosciences at the University of Basel in 2022. In the prizewinning thesis, he proved that Vibrio cholerae bacteria inside a biofilm are more tolerant to various…
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Gerber. (Image: Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Florian Moritz)

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Christoph Gerber to receive the Albert Einstein World Award of Science

Professor Christoph Gerber of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel has been selected as the winner of the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. The World Cultural Council awarded Gerber…

/ News, Preise, Portraits

At the interface between research and teaching: Anja Car receives the Teaching Excellence Award 2023 for “Service to Teaching”

On 25 May, the coordinator of the nanosciences program, Dr. Anja Car, was presented with the Teaching Excellence Award 2023 for “Service to Teaching” from the University of Basel. After being nominated based on positive feedback from…
Ilaria Zardo

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Emmy Noether Distinction for Ilaria Zardo

Professor Dr. Ilaria Zardo of the Department of Physics and Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel will be awarded the Emmy Noether Distinction of the European Physical Society (EPS) in the mid-career category. The physicist…
Portraitfoto von Annika Huber

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Best Poster Award for Annika Huber

Congratulations to Annika Huber, who won the prize for the best poster at this year's SNI PhD School Winter School "Nanoscience in the Snow".
SNC 2022 award ceremony C. Lotter

/ SNI INSight, Preise

A specific signal for improved uptake: Claudia Lotter receives PhD Award in recognition of her work

At the Swiss NanoConvention 2022, the former nanoscience student Claudia Lotter received the PhD Award — sponsored by the Hightech Zentrum Aargau — in recognition of a first-author publication in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and…