
Sebastian Loy und Tino Matter

/ Erfolgsgeschichten, Preise, SNI INSight

Swiss MNT Start-up Prize – Encouraging award for young start-up anavo medical

At the Swiss NanoConvention, the young start-up anavo medical was awarded the Nanotechnology Start-up Prize from the Swiss MNT Network. Co-founder Dr. Tino Matter studied nanosciences in Basel, and in 2018 he won the prize for the best…
Thomas Karg, Nadine Leisgang, Mehdi Ramezani und Pooja Thakkar haben kürzlich Preise gewonnen.

/ Preise, SNI INSight

Excellent – Prizes for outstanding doctoral students

PhD students from the SNI network have been awarded prizes at various conferences for their outstanding publications. Thomas Karg, Nadine Leisgang, Mehdi Ramezani, and Pooja Thakkar recently won awards. PhD Awards for Thomas Karg and…
Prof. Dr. Michael Nash (Bild: zvg)

/ News, Preise

New Associate Professor in Engineering of Synthetic Systems

Prof. Michael Nash has been appointed Associate Professor of Engineering of Synthetic Systems by the University Council. Nash has been an assistant professor at the University of Basel since 2016. His research focuses on the…

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

One eye on application – Charlotte Kress thrives at the intersection between classical disciplines

For her master’s thesis, Charlotte Kress synthesized a complex organic compound with potential applications in molecular electronics. Bottom-up instead of top-down Molecular electronics uses individual organic molecules, for instance as…
Anna Leder

/ Preise, SNI INSight

Folding proteins – Anna Leder’s fascination with structural biology

In 2021, one of the awards for the two best master’s theses goes to Anna Leder for her paper on the characterization of a helper protein using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Anna wrote her thesis while working in the…
Winners Nano Image Award 2020

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

Congratulations to the winners of the Nano Image Award 2020!

Many thanks for your contributions and congratulations to the winners.

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

Young winner

In spring and summer, the SNI outreach and communication team filmed numerous experiments for children to encourage them to try their hand at experimenting at home. Children, young people and adults were called upon to submit photos and…
Prof. Dr. Christof Sparr. (Bild: Universität Basel, Departement Chemie)

/ News, Preise

Christof Sparr receives ERC Consolidator Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) awards three researchers from the University of Basel with one of the coveted ERC Consolidator Grants. The projects in the fields of biomedicine, molecular biology and chemistry will each receive funding…
SNC Image Award

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

SNC Image – Award Fascinating images

The postponement of the SNC did not stop us from announcing the results of the latest SNC Image Award. The following fascinating images of the nano world are this year’s winners.
Daniel Stähli hatte eine tolle Zeit in Stanford und hat dort eine exzellente Masterarbeit geschrieben.

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

Exploring the aging process – Daniel Stähli wins award for the best master’s thesis

Daniel Stähli has won the award for the best nanoscience master’s thesis in 2019. He wrote his excellent thesis about aging processes in the blood-brain barrier at Stanford University (Palo Alto, California, USA) in the laboratory run by…