/ News

Happy Holidays

We wish you Happy Holidays and a good start to a healthy, peaceful and fulfilling New Year. Thanks a lot to all members, partners and funders who contribute to unique network and make it possible that we can train excellent young…
Chip mit Elektrode

/ News, Erfolgsgeschichten

New approach in biosensor technology

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a novel coating of a polymer and carbon nanotubes that is suitable for coating miniaturized electrodes. Such electrodes, in which conductive nanomaterials are embedded in an anti-fouling…
AFM tip on a surface

/ News

Unexpected speed-dependent friction

In the macro world, friction doesn’t depend on the speed at which two surfaces move past one another, but researchers from Basel and Tel Aviv have now observed precisely this effect in special graphene structures on a platinum surface. Due…
Titelblatt SNI INSIght Dez 2022

/ News

SNI INSight December 2022

The December issue of SNI INSight is now online. You can find out more about the role that the exciting topic entanglement – which was a topic of this year’s physics Nobel laureates  – plays in the SNI network. Some young researchers from…
Winner of the Nano Image Award 2022

/ News, Preise, SNI INSight

Nano Image Award 2022

We received a particularly large number of beautiful images this year and would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest. It was not easy to choose the three most beautiful images and we will try to use as many images as…
Spin-Korrelation 1

/ News

Spin correlation between paired electrons demonstrated

Physicists at the University of Basel have experimentally demonstrated for the first time that there is a negative correlation between the two spins of an entangled pair of electrons from a superconductor. For their study, the researchers…
Die Plattform mit zwei eng beieinander liegenden, stark reflektierenden Spiegeln und einer keilförmigen Diamantmembran ebnet den Weg für einen universellen, niedrigschwelligen Frequenzschieber für Laserlicht. Die Arbeit wurde auch auf dem Titelblatt des Journals gezeigt. (Bild: Flågan, Riedel und scixel.es)

/ News, Research

Laser light of any wavelength

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a platform for the resonant enhancement for so-called nonlinear optical processes which could aid to produce laser light of any wavelength. They combine a wedge-shaped diamond membrane with…
Die Plattform mit zwei eng beieinander liegenden, stark reflektierenden Spiegeln und einer keilförmigen Diamantmembran ebnet den Weg für einen universellen, niedrigschwelligen Frequenzschieber für Laserlicht. Die Arbeit wurde auch auf dem Titelblatt des Journals gezeigt. (Bild: Flågan, Riedel und scixel.es)

/ News, Research

Laser light of any wavelength

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a platform for the resonant enhancement for so-called nonlinear optical processes which could aid to produce laser light of any wavelength. They combine a wedge-shaped diamond membrane with…
Dancing molecules title page

/ News, Research

Dancing molecules

When cycloalkanes are enclosed in a nanometer-sized pore, they adapt their shape - similar to the induced fit concept described in #biochemistry. The molecules do not all behave in the same way and surprisingly start to move when there is a…

/ News

Ultracold circuits

Cooling materials to extremely low temperatures is important for basic physics research as well as for technological applications. By improving a special refrigerator and a low-temperature thermometer, Basel scientists have now managed to…