Recent media releases/posts
/ News
MINT on the move
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is once again a guest of the Schweizerische Südostbahn AG (SOB) on July 12 and 13. On both days, children and adults can experiment during a train ride and have fun using…
/ News
Submit applications for applied Nano-Argovia projects!
The research program "Nano-Argovia" has been funding joint projects between public research institutions (ANAXAM or PSI, CSEM Allschwil, D-BSSE ETH Basel, FHNW Muttenz and Windisch, University of Basel) and industrial partners in…/ News, Preise
Less vulnerable as a community - Timon Baltisberger wins master’s prize for analysis of biofilms
Timon Baltisberger is to receive the prize for the best master’s thesis in nanosciences at the University of Basel in 2022. In the prizewinning thesis, he proved that Vibrio cholerae bacteria inside a biofilm are more tolerant to various…
/ News, Preise
Christoph Gerber to receive the Albert Einstein World Award of Science
Professor Christoph Gerber of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel has been selected as the winner of the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. The World Cultural Council awarded Gerber…
/ News, Berichte
The SNI PhD School celebrates its birthday
10 years ago, the first doctoral students started their research at the SNI PhD School - reason enough to invite all current and former doctoral students as well as their project leaders to celebrate this anniversary together. Around 80…
/ News, Research
Participation in trinational research project: Nano Imaging Lab contributes its expertise
The SNI's Nano Imaging Lab is participating in the recently approved Interreg research project WiVitis to support viticulture in the Upper Rhine region. In collaboration with viticulture experts on both sides of the Rhine, a network of…/ News, Preise, Portraits
At the interface between research and teaching: Anja Car receives the Teaching Excellence Award 2023 for “Service to Teaching”
On 25 May, the coordinator of the nanosciences program, Dr. Anja Car, was presented with the Teaching Excellence Award 2023 for “Service to Teaching” from the University of Basel. After being nominated based on positive feedback from…/ News, Research
New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles
Researchers at the University of Basel have developed an efficient method for the preparation of therapeutic nanovesicles, thereby fulfilling a key prerequisite for industrial production. The method also paves the way for research into…/ News, Research
Under control to the very end – how our cells kill themselves
Every day, millions of cells die in our body. Other than generally assumed, cells do not simply burst at the end of their lives but rather, a specific protein serves as a breaking point for cell membrane rupture. Researchers at the…