Beschädigt, aber nicht besiegt: Bakterien wehren sich mit Nano-Harpunen gegen Angriffevbio.de 06.03.2025 | |
Einige Bakterien verwenden winzige Harpunen, um sich gegen Angriffe von Rivalen zu wehren. Forschende der Universität Basel haben Bakterien mit einer «Mini-Nadel» gestochen und so einen Angriff simuliert. Auf diese Weise konnten sie zeigen, dass die Bakterien ihre Nano-Waffe erst dann zusammenbauen und abfeuern, wenn ihre Zellhülle bei einem Angriff beschädigt wird. More … |
Damaged but not defeated: Bacteria use nano-spearguns to retaliate against attacksappliedmicrobiology.org 06.03.2025 | |
Some bacteria deploy tiny spearguns to retaliate against rival attacks. Researchers at the University of Basel mimicked attacks by poking bacteria with an ultra-sharp tip. Using this approach, they have uncovered that bacteria assemble their nanoweapons in response to cell envelope damage and rapidly strike back with high precision. More... |
Wie Bakterien sich mit Nano-Harpunen verteidigenfocus.de 06.03.2025 | |
Bakterien setzen tödliche Nano-Harpunen ein, sobald ihre Zellhülle angegriffen wird. Forscher entdeckten, dass sie nach einer mechanischen Beschädigung blitzschnell zurückschlagen. More … |
Andreev-Qubits über makroskopische Distanz kohärent gekoppeltPro-physik.de 07.10.2024 | |
Physikern der Uni Basel ist es erstmals gelungen, zwei Andreev-Qubits über eine makroskopische Distanz kohärent miteinander zu koppeln. Sie erreichten dies mithilfe von Mikrowellen-Photonen, die in einem schmalen supraleitenden Resonator generiert werden. Die Forscher haben damit die Basis für die Nutzung von gekoppelten Andreev-Qubits in der Quantenkommunikation und im Quantencomputing gelegt. More … |
Physiker erreichen starke Kopplung von Andreev-Qubits mittels MikrowellenresonatorEarthpressnews.com 04.10.2024 | |
Physikern der Universität Basel ist es erstmals gelungen, zwei Andreev-Qubits über eine makroskopische Distanz kohärent zu koppeln. Dies gelang ihnen mit Hilfe von Mikrowellenphotonen, die in einem schmalen supraleitenden Resonator erzeugt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente und begleitenden Berechnungen liegen aktuell vor veröffentlicht In NaturphysikDamit wurde der Grundstein für die Verwendung gekoppelter Andreev-Qubits in der Quantenkommunikation und im Quantencomputing gelegt. More … |
Physicists achieve strong coupling of Andreev qubits via microwave resonatorPhys.org 03.10.2024 | |
Physicists from the University of Basel have succeeded in coupling two Andreev qubits coherently over a macroscopic distance for the first time. They achieved this with the help of microwave photons generated in a narrow superconducting resonator. The results of the experiments and accompanying calculations were recently published in Nature Physics, laying the foundation for the use of coupled Andreev qubits in quantum communication and quantum computing. More … |
Strong coupling between Andreev qubits mediated by a microwave resonatorSciencedaily.org 03.10.2024 | |
Physicists have succeeded in coupling two Andreev qubits coherently over a macroscopic distance for the first time. They achieved this with the help of mi crowave photons generated in a narrow superconducting resonator. The results lay the foundation for the use of coupled Andreev qubits in quantum communic ation and quantum computing. More … |
New method for determining exchange energy in 2D materialschemeurope.com 10.07.2024 | |
Researchers from the University of Basel have looked at how the ferromagnetic properties of electrons in the two-dimensional semiconductor molybdenum disulfide can be better understood. They revealed a surprisingly simple way of measuring the energy needed to flip an electron spin. More … |
Clarivate Reveals Citation Laureates 2024Sspnet.org 19.09.2024 | |
Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today unveiled the Citation Laureates™ 2024 list – used to forecast future Nobel Prize recipients. These 22 exceptional scientists and economists spanning six countries have demonstrated such groundbreaking impact in their fields that their work is considered of Nobel stature. Experts at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)™ at Clarivate™ have identified 75 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel success – often several years before they received Nobel honors. More … |
2D layer of phosphorus pentamers shows semiconductor properties on silver surfacePhys.org 09.08.2024 | |
Phosphorus is a vital component of every organism and plays a key role, for example, in energy transfer in the body and within cell membranes, bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also special because it occurs in numerous different forms (allotropes). For example, there is the highly explosive, toxic white phosphorus, the more stable red phosphorus known from match heads, or the crystalline, semi-conducting black phosphorus. The latter has numerous applications in electronic devices. More … |
Estimating the Exchange Energy of Two-Dimensional MaterialsAZoNano.com 10.07.2024 | |
In their most recent study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, researchers at the University of Basel investigated how the ferromagnetic characteristics of electrons in the two-dimensional semiconductor molybdenum disulfide may be better understood. They discovered a straightforward method for measuring the energy required to flip an electron spin. More … |
Study reveals surprisingly simple method for determining exchange energy in 2D materialsPhys.org 09.07.2024 | |
Researchers from the University of Basel have looked at how the ferromagnetic properties of electrons in the two-dimensional semiconductor molybdenum disulfide can be better understood. They revealed a surprisingly simple way of measuring the energy needed to flip an electron spin. More … |