Equipment for sample preparation
Safematic CCU-010 LV

- Carbon thread head
- Patented unrolling for automatic thread transport in the vacuum.
- Automatic target shutter protects your samples during the degassing of the carbon thread.
- Electronically controlled process vacuum ensures stable pressure in the receptacle.
- Detection and monitoring of implosion guard guarantees safe operation.
- Plasma treatment of your sample is possible thanks to an optional plasma unit
Cressington 328UHR Coating System

- Hochvakuumpumpsystem, bestehend aus einer Kombination von Turbomolekularpumpe und Kryopumpe (Endvakuum ca. 6 x 10-7 mbar)
- Probenschleusensystem für schnellen Probenwechsel und extrem kurze Vakuumpumpzeiten
- Großer, robuster Edelstahlrezipient (Ø 200 mm x 230 mm)
- Euzentrischer Rotationskipptisch für homogene Beschichtungen
- Exakte Schichtdickenmessung mittels kompakter Messsonde (MTM-10 Schichtdickenmonitor)
BalTec MED020 Sputter Coating Unit

- MED 020 Bal-tec Modular High Vacuum Coating System
- The MED 020 coating system currently supports high resolution sputter coating of specimens with Au,Pt, Au/Pd, and Cr metals.
Leica EM ACE600 – Double Sputter Coater

- Motortisch/Planetentisch
- Kühlfalle ohne VCT-Dock (Meissner Trap)
- Diverse Targets Au/Pd und Pt/Pd 80/20
Video – Leica EM ACE600
Grid Carbon Coating

Critical Point Dryer – Tousimis Autosamdri 815

- Chamber size: 1.25″ I.D. x 1.25″ Depth, Chamber volume: 25 ml
- Temperature gauge range: -30°C to 60°C
- Pressure gauge range: 0 to 2,000 psi
- Purge Timer Range: 0 to 45 minutes
Baltec CPD 030 Critical Point Dryer

- Specimen chamber:
- Usable volume Ø 40 mm x 36 mm
- Fluid filling approx. 70 ml
K775X Quorum Turbo Freeze Dryer EMS

- Turbo molecular pumping
- Liquid nitrogen fed cold stage – temperatures below -80°C
- Liquid nitrogen “auto-top-up”
- Automatic drying cycle – unattended operation
- Accurate time and temperature monitoring
- Programmable, multi-segment sequence control for time and temperature
Specimen stage: -140°C to +40°C. Initial cool down to -140°C in approximately 45 minutes – final temperature can be lower
Vacuum range: 1×10-2mbar to 1×10-5mbar
‘Backing’ rotary pump: 60L/s built-in air cooled turbo molecular pump 50L/m or greater (see EK3175)
Electrical supply: 230V/50Hz (6A maximum including pump), 115V/60Hz (12A maximum including pump)
Supplied with: Vacuum hose and connectors, moisture trap and operating manual
Gatan Solarus 950 – Plasma Cleaner

- Gatan Advanced Plasma System
- Top loading Lid for SEM samples and parts
- Interactive Touch screen
- Two front loading TEM holders port
Ion Beam Slope Cutter Leica EM TIC 3X

- Unique Triple Ion Beam System optimizes the cross-section quality and reduces working time with its ability to cut broad and deep at high speeds
- Various sample holders for almost every sample size
- Cooling Stage- Clear Visualization of the Surface Topography
Video – Leica EM TIC3X
Target Surfacing System Leica EM TXP

The Leica EM TXP is a target preparation device for milling, sawing, grinding, and polishing samples prior to examination by SEM, TEM, and LM techniques. An integrated stereomicroscope allows pinpointing and easy preparation of barely visible targets.
Glow Discharger

The glow discharger is a home-made system which makes TEM grids or other surfaces more hydrophilic by ion implantation under low air vacuum. This effect lasts for about 10 minutes. The glow discharged TEM grids are subsequently used for negative staining.