Master's program
The master’s program is available to prospective students who have successfully completed their bachelor’s studies and takes three semesters to complete. Students can choose individually from a broad range of lectures and practical projects selected by each student.
During the course of the program, students develop personal interests that they can explore in depth during their master’s studies. Each student selects a specialization in either molecular biology, chemistry, physics or medical nanosciences. The program retains an interdisciplinary focus through the wide range of electives and by providing students with an individualized and broad-based scientific education. The master’s program includes two practical, two-month projects in different areas of research. These projects provide students with an introduction to independent academic research. Students attend advanced lectures and seminars designed to equip them with a deeper understanding of their chosen specialization. Following submission of a master’s thesis and successful completion of the master’s examination, students are awarded the title “Master of Science in Nanosciences.”
Eligible students can participate in mobility programs and apply for travel scholarships to complete their master’s studies and project work abroad. This provides students with the opportunity to distinguish themselves in the international nanosciences network while receiving support from our lecturers.
Link to a brochure about the master's program
Link to qualification profile: Link