
/ News, Portraits

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The United Nations General Assembly established this day eight years ago to draw attention to the crucial role that girls and women play in science and technology. In the…
Christian Schönenberger Ehrenmitglied

/ SNI INSight, Portraits

New honorary member Christian Schönenberger: Always searching for answers

In September 2022, Professor Christian Schönenberger was awarded honorary membership in the SNI for his extraordinary dedication as SNI director. Many of us know about his contributions to the SNI, the aspects of the SNI that were important…
Nicolai Jung mit Freunden

/ SNI INSight, Portraits

Guest article by Nicolai Jung: An unforgettable year at Harvard University

Since starting my degree, I had always planned to study at a university abroad in order to expand my horizons. I’ve now made this dream a reality by spending an amazing year at Harvard University in Boston, USA. This exciting time not only…
Mitchell Brüderlin bei der SNI Winter School “Nanoscience in the Snow” 2022, bei der er den Best Poster Award gewann.

/ News, Portraits

Portrait of SNI doctoral student Mitchell Brüderlin

The University of Basel recently portrayed SNI PhD student Mitchell Brüderlin as part of its summer series “In Focus”. Mitchell Brüderlin, who comes from the Canton of Aargau, studied nanoscience at the University of Basel and was then so…
Martino Poggio

/ News, Portraits

A passion for nano research – Martino Poggio to become new SNI Director

The SNI is a diverse institute, and Argovia Professor Martino Poggio is also characterized by his diverse background — whether it be as a passionate researcher and visionary research manager or in terms of his cultural origins. He came to…
Patrick Maletinsky

/ News, Portraits

An interest in basic and applied research – Patrick Maletinsky becomes new SNI Vice Director

Patrick Maletinsky joined the University of Basel 10 years ago as the Georg H. Endress Foundation Professor of Experimental Physics. When he takes over as vice director of the SNI in August, he will be tasked with supporting and deputizing…
Rafael Eggli wurde 2020 Stipendiat der Werner Siemens-Stiftung.

/ News, Portraits

A wide range of interests and commitments – Rafael Eggli receives a fellowship from the Werner Siemens Foundation

Rafael Eggli, who has been studying nanosciences at the University of Basel since 2016, has been awarded a fellowship by the Werner Siemens Foundation. Hailing from Switzerland, the 22-year-old has also held a scholarship from the Swiss…
Anders als sonst – Beginn des Studiums Nanowissenschaften unter Corona

/ News, Portraits

Not the norm – Beginning a nanosciences degree during the coronavirus pandemic

Starting university is an exciting time. With their school days behind them, the students are beginning an important new stage of their lives, one that is filled with new experiences and new friends — and often takes place in an unfamiliar…

/ News, Portraits

From the nanoworld to outer space – Former nano student Florian Kehl’s search for life beyond Earth at NASA

In late April, the SNI hosted Dr. Florian Kehl, a Life Detection Technologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In the lunch talk and the SNI lecture, he shared some fascinating stories about his work and career so far. A chat…
Sommerlicher Ausflug: Nanowissenschaftlerin Heidi Potts mit Familie zu Besuch in Ystad. (Foto: Heidi Potts)

/ News, Portraits

Former nanoscience student Heidi Potts in UNINOVA

In the recent UNINOVA, Heidi Potts, a former nanoscience student and winner of the price for the best master thesis in nanosciences in 2014, shares her experience as a postdoc at Lund University in Sweden. UNINOVA: Life as a nanoscience…