/ News

Cool experiments for hot days

It's too hot to go outside, but you still want to do something fun with the family? How about some cool experiments? On our experiments page you'll find lots of ideas, instructions and explanations. Experiments and projects
explanation of Andreev atoms, Andreev molecules and Andreev helium

/ News, Research

"Andreev chemistry" on a nanowire

Researchers at the University of Basel and Lund University have generated superconducting pair states of electrons on several segments of a nanowire, separated by grown barriers. Depending on the height of the barriers, these pair states…

/ News, Portraits

Women in the SNI network

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes," recommends SNI PhD student Antonia Ruffo at the end of the short video in our "Women in the SNI Network" series. In the doctoral thesis, Antonia is developing a non-invasive temperature measurement…

/ News

MINT on the move

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel is once again a guest of the Schweizerische Südostbahn AG (SOB) on July 12 and 13. On both days, children and adults can experiment during a train ride and have fun using…
Flyer Nano-Argovia Call 2024

/ News

Submit applications for applied Nano-Argovia projects!

The research program "Nano-Argovia" has been funding joint projects between public research institutions (ANAXAM or PSI, CSEM Allschwil, D-BSSE ETH Basel, FHNW Muttenz and Windisch, University of Basel) and industrial partners in…

/ News, Preise

Less vulnerable as a community - Timon Baltisberger wins master’s prize for analysis of biofilms

Timon Baltisberger is to receive the prize for the best master’s thesis in nanosciences at the University of Basel in 2022. In the prizewinning thesis, he proved that Vibrio cholerae bacteria inside a biofilm are more tolerant to various…
Title sheet SNI INSight June 2023

/ News

SNI INSight June 2023

In the new issue of our electronic magazine, we report on the startup CryoWrite, founded by our honorary member Andreas Engel, and on the new applied research projects in the Nano-Argovia program. In addition, SNI members have received…
In the Basel experiment, a laser beam is directed onto a membrane (square in the middle). Using the reflected laser light, delayed by a fibre optic cable (violet), the membrane is then cooled down to less than a thousandth of a degree above absolute zero. (Illustration: University of Basel, Department of Physics)

/ News

A new technique for cooling membranes with lasers

Using a new technique, researchers at the University of Basel have succeeded in cooling a small membrane down to temperatures close to absolute zero using only laser light. Such extremely cooled membranes could, for instance, find…
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Gerber. (Image: Swiss Nanoscience Institute, Florian Moritz)

/ News, Preise

Christoph Gerber to receive the Albert Einstein World Award of Science

Professor Christoph Gerber of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel has been selected as the winner of the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. The World Cultural Council awarded Gerber…
Guest on the cruise ship

/ News, Berichte

The SNI PhD School celebrates its birthday

10 years ago, the first doctoral students started their research at the SNI PhD School - reason enough to invite all current and former doctoral students as well as their project leaders to celebrate this anniversary together. Around 80…