Technical specifications

- Cold field emission gun
- 20 to 200 kV acceleration voltage
- Resolution:
- TEM, point to point: 0.19 nm
- TEM, lattice image: 0.10 nm
- STEM-HAADF: 0.14 nm
- Magnification TEM from x 20 to x 2.0 M; STEM from x 200 to x 150 M
- Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (EDS)
- Sample size: TEM grids of 3 x 3 mm
Imaging modes
- HAADF STEM (High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy)
- Bright-field (BF) & dark-field (DF) TEM and STEM, as well as analysis from various types of detectors
- 3D-EDS tomography: reconstruction method of three-dimensional internal structures through computer image processing of many projection images, which are acquired from sequential tilt-series images of a specimen
Typical applications
- Characterization of nanoparticles, thin films and nanostructured material
- Atomic resolution and electron diffraction images (transmission Kikuchi patterns)
Pharmazentrum, PZ U1097