Die Nanotechnologie ist die Medizin der Zukunft



Die Nanotechnologie werde die Zukunft der personalisierten Medizin zur Behandlung von Krankheiten wie Krebs sein. Das sagt eine führende Schweizer Forscherin auf diesem Gebiet. Wie weit kann diese Technologie gehen, und wie nah ist sie an Science-Fiction-Szenarien?
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Halbleiter mit Supraleiter-Kontakten



Basis für dünne Bauelemente mit neuen elektronischen und optischen Eigenschaften.
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Ultrathin semiconductors electrically connected to superconductors for the first time



For the first time, University of Basel researchers have equipped an ultrathin semiconductor with superconducting contacts. These extremely thin materials with novel electronic and optical properties could pave the way for previously unimagined applications. Combined with superconductors, they are expected to give rise to new quantum phenomena and find use in quantum technology.
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Ultrathin semiconductors electrically connected to superconductors for the first time



For the first time, University of Basel researchers have equipped an ultrathin semiconductor with superconducting contacts. These extremely thin materials with novel electronic and optical properties could pave the way for previously unimagined applications. Combined with superconductors, they are expected to give rise to new quantum phenomena and find use in quantum technology.
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Ultrathin semiconductors are electrically connected to superconductors for the first time



Whether in smartphones, televisions or building technology, semiconductors play a central role in electronics and therefore in our everyday lives. In contrast to metals, it is possible to adjust their electrical conductivity by applying a voltage and hence to switch the current flow on and off.
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Ultrathin semiconductors electrically connected to superconductors



Researchers have equipped an ultrathin semiconductor with superconducting con‐ tacts. These extremely thin materials with novel electronic and optical properties could pave the way for previously unimagined applications. Combined with superconductors, they are expected to give rise to new quantum phenomena and find use in quantum technology.
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Ultrathin Semiconductors Electrically Connected To Superconductors For The First Time



For the first time, University of Basel researchers have equipped an ultrathin semiconductor with superconducting contacts. These extremely thin materials with novel electronic and optical properties could pave the way for previously unimagined applications. Combined with superconductors, they are expected to give rise to new quantum phenomena and find use in quantum technology
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Graphen auf der Streckbank



Gedehnte Kohlenstoffschichten verändern ihre elektronischen Eigenschaften.
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Stretching changes the electronic properties of graphene



The electronic properties of graphene can be specifically modified by stretching the material evenly
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Dehnung verändert die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Graphen



Die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Graphen lassen sich durch eine gleichmässige Dehnung des Materials gezielt verändern, berichten Forschende der Universität Basel. Das ebnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuartiger elektronischer Bauteile.
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On the way to sustainable hydrogen

Today Headline


Researchers in the SNI network have developed a theoretical method to analyze and optimize water splitting by exploiting optical effects.
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Stretching Changes The Electronic Properties Of Graphene



The electronic properties of graphene can be specifically modified by stretching the material evenly, say researchers. These results open the door to the development of new types of electronic components.
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Stretching changes the electronic properties of graphene



The electronic properties of graphene can be specifically modified by stretching the material evenly, say researchers at the University of Basel. These results open the door to the development of new types of electronic components.
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Dehnung verändert die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Graphen



Die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Graphen lassen sich durch eine gleichmässige Dehnung des Materials gezielt verändern, berichten Forschende der Universität Basel. Das ebnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuartiger elektronischer Bauteile.
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Warum Physik wichtig ist,um Krebs zu behandeln



Die Festigkeit von Tumoren und die Permeabilität des Gewebes können Hinweise zum Erfolgeiner Krebstherapie geben. ARTIDIS hat dafür einen nanomechanischen Biomarker entwickelt.
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Virtuelle Forschungsreise soll Jugendliche in beiden Basel für Technikberufe begeistern

Grenchner Tagblatt


Das Interesse für die sogenannten MINT-Fächer ist in den letzten Jahren um rund 10 Prozent angestiegen. Das ist aber noch nicht genug, finden die Handelskammer beider Basel und die Kantone. Deshalb haben sie nun die MINT-Map lanciert.
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Concept for a new storage medium



Physicists have proposed an innovative new data storage medium. The technique is based on specific properties of antiferromagnetic materials that had previously resisted experimen‐ tal examination.
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New storage medium uses physical properties of antiferromagnetic material



Antiferromagnets hold great promise for exciting applications in data processing, as the orientation of their magnetic moment—in contrast to the ferromagnets used in conventional storage media—cannot be accidentally overwritten by magnetic fields. In recent years, this potential has given rise to the budding research field of antiferromagnetic spintronics, which is the focus of numerous research groups around the world.
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Universität Basel: Konzept für neues Speichermedium entwickelt



Physikerinnen und Physiker aus der Schweiz, Deutschland und der Ukraine haben einen Vorschlag für ein neuartiges Speichermedium ausgearbeitet.
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Concept for a new storage medium



(Nanowerk News) Using nanoscale quantum sensors, an international research team has succeeded in exploring certain previously uncharted physical properties of an antiferromagnetic material. Based on their results, the researchers developed a concept for a new storage medium published in the journal Nature Physics (“Nanoscale mechanics of antiferromagnetic domain walls”). The project was coordinated by researchers from the Department of Physics and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel.
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Concept for a new storage medium



Using nanoscale quantum sensors, an international research team has succeeded in exploring certain previously uncharted physical properties of an antiferromagnetic material. Based on their results, the researchers developed a concept for a new storage medium published in the journal Nature Physics (“Nanoscale mechanics of antiferromagnetic domain walls”). The project was coordinated by researchers from the Department of Physics and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel.
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Kagome-Graphen verspricht spannende Eigenschaften



Physiker der Universität Basel haben erstmals eine Graphenverbindung aus Kohlenstoffatomen und wenigen Stickstoffatomen hergestellt, die ein regelmässiges Gitter aus Sechs- und Dreiecken bilden. Dieses wabenförmige, sogenannte Kagome-Gitter verhält sich wie ein Halbleiter und könnte zudem ungewöhnliche elektrische Eigenschaften besitzen. Womöglich findet es künftig Verwendung in elektronischen Sensoren oder Quantencomputern.
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Kagome graphene promises exciting properties



18.02.2021 – For the first time, physicists from the University of Basel have produced a graphene com- pound consisting of carbon atoms and a small num- ber of nitrogen atoms in a regular grid of hexagons and triangles. This honeycomb-structured “kagome lattice” behaves as a semiconductor and may also have unusual electrical properties. In the future, it could potentially be used in electronic sensors or quantum computers.
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Kagome graphene promises exciting properties



(Nanowerk News) Researchers around the world are searching for new synthetic materials with special properties such as superconductivity — that is, the conduction of electric current without resistance. These new substances are an important step in the development of highly energy-efficient electronics. The starting material is often a single-layer honeycomb structure of carbon atoms (graphene).
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Kagome graphene promises exciting properties



Researchers from the Department of Physics and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel, working in collaboration with the University of Bern, have now produced and studied kagome graphene for the first time, as they report in the journal Angewandte Chemie. The researchers’ measurements have delivered promising results that point to unusual electrical or magnetic properties.
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Kagome-Graphen verspricht spannende Eigenschaften



Physiker der Universität Basel haben erstmals eine Graphenverbindung aus Kohlenstoffatomen und wenigen Stickstoffatomen hergestellt, die ein regelmässiges Gitter aus Sechs- und Dreiecken bilden. Dieses wabenförmige, sogenannte Kagome-Gitter verhält sich wie ein Halbleiter und könnte zudem ungewöhnliche elektrische Eigenschaften besitzen. Womöglich findet es künftig Verwendung in elektronischen Sensoren oder Quantencomputern.
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Kagome graphene promises exciting properties



Researchers around the world are searching for new synthetic materials with special properties such as superconductivity — that is, the conduction of electric current without resistance. These new substances are an important step in the development of highly energy- efficient electronics. The starting material is often a single-layer honeycomb structure of carbon atoms (graphene).
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