Two radicals in two cages

/ News, Research

Using light to produce medication and plastics more efficiently

Anyone who wants to produce medication, plastics or fertilizer using conventional methods needs heat for chemical reactions – but not so with photochemistry, where light provides the energy. The process to achieve the desired product also…
Experimental setup

/ News, Research

Strong spin-photon coupling

Researchers from the SNI network have achieved strong coupling between an electron spin and a single photon. Normally, an electron spin couples only weakly to photons. To achieve strong coupling with a single photon, the researchers used a…
miniature quantum memory

/ News, Research

Mass-producible miniature quantum memory

Researchers at the University of Basel have built a quantum memory element based on atoms in a tiny glass cell. In the future, such quantum memories could be mass-produced on a wafer. It is hard to imagine our lives without networks such…
Graphik explaining the principle

/ News, Research

Increased coherence thanks to cooling

A team of researchers from the SNI network has increased the coherence of an electron spin in a quantum dot to over half a microsecond for the first time. The scientists achieved the more than 150-fold increase in coherence time by using…
magic graphene

/ News, Research

Investigation of “magic” graphene

Researchers from the SNI network have used an atomic force microscope in pendulum mode to study a two-layer graphene device. In this bilayer graphene, the two layers of pure carbon were rotated by the “magic angle” of approximately 1.1°…
Summarizing graph

/ News, Research

Better classification with machine learning

Researchers from the SNI network have introduced a new machine learning technique specifically designed to enhance the analysis of protein unfolding using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) data. The team of Prof. Michael Nash (University of…
Vibrating molecules

/ News, Research

Vibrations of molecules visualized and studied

Researchers from the SNI network have developed a new method for imaging the vibration of molecules. The scientists, led by Professor Ernst Meyer from the Department of Physics at the University of Basel, have studied a specific pyrene…
explanation of Andreev atoms, Andreev molecules and Andreev helium

/ News, Research

"Andreev chemistry" on a nanowire

Researchers at the University of Basel and Lund University have generated superconducting pair states of electrons on several segments of a nanowire, separated by grown barriers. Depending on the height of the barriers, these pair states…
SEM image of a leave surface

/ News, Research

Participation in trinational research project: Nano Imaging Lab contributes its expertise

The SNI's Nano Imaging Lab is participating in the recently approved Interreg research project WiVitis to support viticulture in the Upper Rhine region. In collaboration with viticulture experts on both sides of the Rhine, a network of…

/ News, Research

New production process for therapeutic nanovesicles

Researchers at the University of Basel have developed an efficient method for the preparation of therapeutic nanovesicles, thereby fulfilling a key prerequisite for industrial production. The method also paves the way for research into…