Past events

Die Kinder am SNI-/Physik-Stand gossen mehr als 2800 Seifenstückchen. Das Team vom SNI und dem Departement Physik verbrauchte zudem 80 Liter Seifenlaugen für wunderschöne und ausgefallene Seifenblasen. (Bild: C. Möller, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

tunBasel – Great for children and young people

May 2022 saw the return of tunBasel after a two-year hiatus, offering children and young people the chance to experience natural sciences and technology for themselves by taking part in numerous activities. Together with the Department of…
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben ein Holzmodell eines Rasterkraftmikroskops gebastelt, um das Funtionsprinzip zu verstehen. (Bild: M. Wegmann, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

AFM workshop – An offer from the SNI

It’s hard to imagine the world of modern research without atomic force microscopes (AFMs). These instruments help researchers around the world to shed light on physical, chemical and biological processes by visualizing the world of atoms…
2022 fand die Winterschule der SNI PhD School in Zermatt statt. (Bild: C. Möller, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Nanoscience in the Snow – Always a refreshing and inspiring experience

Going by the name of “Nanoscience in the Snow,” the SNI Winter School is always a highlight for SNI PhD students. It is an opportunity for them to discuss their wide-ranging dissertation projects in an informal setting and to spend a few…
Museumsdirektor Marc Seidel eröffnete im März die Sonderausstellung «Voller Energie» im Museum Burghalde in Lenzburg. Im Wasserlabor warten zahlreiche Experimente rund um Wasser auf Gross und Klein. (Bild: C. Möller, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

“Voller Energie” – An exhibition all about water

On 6 March, Dr. Marc Seidel, the manager of Museum Burghalde in Lenzburg, opened the special exhibition “Voller Energie” (Full of energy), which was developed to mark the 100th anniversary of the Lenzburg municipal utilities. The Swiss…
In wunderschöner Umgebung genossen alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit sich über ihre Forschung auszutauschen, Kontakte zu knüpfen und Neues über elektronischen Transport auf der Nanoskala zu lernen. (Bild: C. Möller, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Capri Spring School – Electron transport in a beautiful setting

Since 2015, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute has supported the Capri Spring School for doctoral students as well as several postdocs working on nanoscale electronic transport. After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic, the return of…
Eric Hovestreydt

/ Berichte, SNI INSight, Erfolgsgeschichten

Opportunity for SNI members – Electron Diffraction Experience Center inaugurated in Basel

In 1928, a groundbreaking experiment by Devisson and Germer showed that electrons are diffracted like waves, thereby confirming the theory of quantum mechanics. Almost 100 years later, the young start-up ELDICO Scientific has inaugurated…
Das neue TEM/STEM des NI Labs wird bereits in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Projekten eingesetzt wie Marcus Wyss in seiner Präsentation ausführt. (Bild: S. Erpel, NI Lab, Universität Basel)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Inauguration of the new TEM/STEM – A highlight for the team of the Nano Imaging Lab and its users

In May, the Nano Imaging Lab (NI Lab) presented its new transmission electron microscope (JEM-F200) to the public. The inauguration was a chance for some 30 guests from various departments of the University of Basel, the University of…
Beim Seifen-Wochenende in Lenzburg drehte sich alles um Seife – in ganz unterschiedlichen Formen. (Bild: M. Wegmann, SNI)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Hands-on: Public relations returns to public spaces

Following an extended break, the SNI’s Outreach team is back to meeting with children and students live and in person. Alongside TecDays, the SNI team primarily focused on the events planned in collaboration with Museum Burghalde in…
In festlichem Rahmen feierten Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Nanostudiums ihren Masterabschluss. (Bild: K. Schad)

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Master’s graduation ceremony: A well-deserved celebration

This year, we were finally able to hold an apéro to celebrate the graduation of our master’s nanosciences students from the past two years. In November, the Study Coordination team led by Dr. Anja Car and Simone Chambers invited over 30…
Henning Stahlberg wurde zum SNI-Ehrenmitglied ernannt. Vanni Doffini erhielt den Preis für den besten Talk und Timon Baltisberger den Outreach-Award.

/ Berichte, SNI INSight

Finally face-to-face again: Annual Event and Nano Tech Apéro

Last year, the two most important events in the SNI network – the Annual Event and the Nano Tech Apéro – were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As both events hinge not only on the pure exchange of information, but also on personal…